Periodonthology & Bleaching

Usually patients  are complaining about the color of their teeth . after a regular toot scaling and brushing proces we can get rid of the stains and discoloration .this is yhe patients regular tooth color . If this is not satisfiing bleaching can be performed .There are two types of tooth bleaching.

1:home bleaching:you are supposed to wear individual plastic trays when you sleep durıng the bleaching period.You must aply  carbamide peroxide gel in the trays and wear them all night long.You are supposed to start seeing the difference after 3-4 days.the treatment must be completed in 10 – 15 days.

2-office bleaching:It is made in the  Office  in two sessions of 20 minutes in the same day .the material is hydrogen peroxide .we have to mask the gums to avoid of damage before the treatment session.It is recommended to support the bleaching with home kıt too for beter results.

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